Written By Ronnie Freedman, Ph.D.
Wisdom is the right use of knowledge.
Charles Spurgeon
No one is “stuck” with feelings of anxiety or depersonalization unless they are doing nothing about them.
In order to eliminate these intrusive sensations one must be willing to make some very specific changes in their thinking, living and doing, in order to move past this disorder and get on with their life.
The greatest part about this is that no matter how you came to experience anxiety or dp, there is a reversal of these reactions at your fingertips. It does not require a long, drawn out process, but it does go beyond understanding. It involves USING the information you learn, applying it daily and finding out how much power over these reactions you actually possess.
Once you do take on this approach, victim status drops away and you begin living your life as a victor, successful in whatever you choose to do. There’s only one person keeping you “stuck” in victim status and that is you. Make the choice to take the understanding one step further. USE IT! Take the sheet music and play it on the instrument this time. Unstick yourself by doing what needs to be done.
Suggestions for Success:
- If you have the program, don’t just listen to it…use it afterward in your every day life. Use it and you will prove to your brain that you can survive, that you can succeed and you are able to overcome every facet of this condition. It works when it is used! You never needed a “safe person” or a “med” in your pocket for reassurance. All you ever needed was the specific knowledge how to knock out these reactions and then USE THEM, APPLY THEM! You’ll be home free once you do.
- Understanding is ONLY the first step. Don’t be fooled by the idea that you understand something. It must be used and repetition is essential.
- Use of theĀ knowledge you’ve obtained is the second step because it proves it out. It convinces the mind that you are able to succeed. Going through the experience is the way to reassure the mind. This retrains the brain as well.
- Find the courage to use everything you have learned from the program. This is the final step, which lifts you out of fearful, victim status and into personal power over anxiety and depersonalization.
This is why one must not wait for the miracle of recovery to happen. It is making it happen that counts. It is using your new found knowledge the way it was meant to be used. This is very powerful and all it requires is moving on to the final step, the step that leads to permanent recovery.
For further information on how to get “unstuck” and out of victim status, feel free to give me a call for a complimentary phone evaluation.
Hrs. 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM, EST
Office Telephone: 215.635.4700