Your Participation in Overcoming Anxiety and Depersonalization

Your Participation in Overcoming Anxiety and Depersonalization

By Ronnie Freedman, Ph.D.

Elimination of symptoms is dependent upon shifting one’s focus away from the behaviors keeping one “stuck” in this condition and onto the actual method of recovery. This is the road out of anxiety, depersonalization, depression and all other anxiety related symptoms.

It does require your willingness and participation.

If you are still “stuck” in any form of anxiety or depersonalization then there are 2 reasons why:

(1) You are focusing only on symptoms, relaying your list to whoever will listen and believing cure is outside yourself.

(2) You are caught up in analyzing this puzzle, and experiencing great frustration, tightly holding on to the belief that “they must have missed something,” or damage has occurred.

I know because I’ve been there. It can be extremely frustrating as your focus turns increasingly inward. Naturally, feelings of anxiety and depersonalization become your foremost interest as you have unknowingly placed the rest of your life on hold.

You may believe you are interacting with others, but not so. You are juggling. You are there in body but not in mind. You are fearfully checking in with yourself even when you are supposedly engaging with others.

There will come a time when you have finally had enough of this frustration and are ready to take the plunge to participate in your recovery. You will have had it with meds that do little towards recovery and sometimes increase symptoms or create new and more frustrating ones. You will have had enough of doctor hopping and tests that reveal nothing.

You will make the decision to break out of both anxiety and depersonalization through your own volition, through changing the way you approach this condition and this time going about it correctly. No one can force this revelation, but you will know when it arrives. You will wake up one day and say to yourself, “I’m going to do it differently today.” And that’s when you will take the first step, the first real step towards full and permanent recovery.

Best wishes,

Dr. Ronnie Freedman
Anxiety and Depersonalization Recovery
Office Telephone: 215-635-4700
Order Line: 1-800-670-HOPE
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM EST