Marijuana use is now confirmed to be less than enjoyable for many ever since a brand new set of reactions have begun to plague those who choose to smoke. Many who have smoked marijuana for years in the past find the experience to be presently quite different, as they now experience a host of intrusive side effects.
The follow complaints have been noted from recent polls concerning marijuana use:
– Intense Anxiety
– Panic Attacks
– Rapid Heartbeat
– Lightheadedness
– Insomnia
– Dizziness
– Sweating
– Shaking
– Breathing Difficulties
– Feelings of Unreality (depersonalization/derealization)
The above sensations are usually experienced after using stimulants, which is quite interesting, since marijuana use previously triggered the opposite effect.
Nonetheless, the complaints are increasing, as are the symptoms. Even after the marijuana is out of the system, many find the symptoms continue or even escalate. This is not difficult to overcome once one has a full understanding of this difficulty and learns how to approach it correctly.
It’s important to understand precisely what is occurring in order to achieve fully recovery from this form of traumatic sensitization.
Both mind and body experienced a mild shock or traumatic event when the adverse reaction occurred (marijuana use). The frightened mind went into self-protective mode as did the reactive body (release of adrenaline in preparation of fight or flight). This fight or flight release of adrenaline produces racing heart, sweating, rapid eye movement and tense muscles. Adrenaline also creates an abundance of energy to necessitate a rapid escape from the associated danger. Since imminent danger is not actually a factor in this case, and the flight mechanism is not in play, the abundance of adrenaline remains in the system, resulting in more symptoms.
Stimulant Use
Bottom line, it’s important to realize that marijuana, especially purchased on the street, is usually laced with substances that result in stimulation and excitability, classifying this substance in the category of stimulants. It is a known fact that stimulants trigger anxiety reactions in sensitive individuals and are best avoided.
– It is imperative to avoid further marijuana use if sensitized and reactive.
– Replace relaxation method with meditation, breathing, yoga or outdoor activity such as walking, running, swimming, etc.
– Make use of a proper anti-anxiety nutrition plan, which maintains balanced blood sugar while naturally boosting Serotonin levels in the brain.
– Look to nature for a calm and healthy body: Nourishment, Rest, Fresh Air, Activity and Nurtured Living Plan.
– Take responsibility for your own happiness and well being.
– Begin a course in desensitization, learning to interrupt fearful thinking, combined with a specific food/nutrition plan to maintain a calm and peaceful mind and body.
In conclusion, it’s essential to know your own sensitivity levels and stay within them. Many individuals are highly reactive to outside stimuli, especially when stimulating substances are in play. Make choices that take these factors into consideration. Follow a plan that brings forth a state of calm rather than the stimulating factors that result in an over-sensitized mind and body. The goal is to feel well, relaxed and in a zone where happiness is the norm rather than falsely perceived.
Dr. R. E. Freedman
Anxiety Busters, Inc.
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)