By Ronnie Freedman, Ph.D.
“We have the ability to create calm within, by selecting the proper foods.”
Retraining the brain to think and perceive in a better way is merely half the task when seeking full and permanent recovery from anxiety and depersonalization. Selecting the proper foods is the other half of the equation.
Do not kid yourself, food can make or break both these conditions and often have the same ability as do chemical prescriptions.
By learning to use foods the correct way you gain nearly total control over the way your mind reacts. You have the choice to create a reactive mind and body or one that rejects feelings of anxiety, depression or depersonalization by maintaining naturally strong levels of serotonin and balanced blood sugar in the body.
It’s as simple as that…balanced and stable blood sugar levels and replenishing serotonin levels naturally, on a daily basis…both achieved by a simple diet/nutrition formula.
- Learn how to use protein properly in your diet. Lean protein is the
key to building proper levels of serotonin in the brain. Learn to use it
properly and it will change an overactive mind/body to a cooler,
calmer one. - Never skip meals as this will lead to the release of adrenaline. Your
body needs energy and will take it from this source if food is not
available. - You can and should skip the sugar, since this is what lowers
serotonin levels and creates strong feelings of anxiety and often
heightens reactions related to depersonalization. - Whole grains and fiber trump white flour products because they take longer to digest, maintaining stable blood sugar levels for longer periods of time.
- Learn how to use your foods to provide energy, especially in the morning. This will maintain energy throughout the day, without the wired, anxious reactions and this does not include caffeine.
- Never fall prey to late afternoon or early morning anxiety or heightened feelings of depersonalization. When you arm yourself with the correct foods such as a lean protein at every meal and snack,whole grains, and the proper beverages (caffeine free, low sugar) that fortify rather than drain energy, you will maintain a stable, balanced mind/body. (Be aware the sugar substitutes often create anxiety reactions as well as stomach upset).
- You will see immediate results within 24 hours of this food plan.
- You will no longer crave foods that heighten anxiety and depersonalization after 3 days on this food plan.
- You will feel more energized, less anxious and a stronger sense of control in your life.
- Your weight will stabilize as well. If you are overweight or underweight, your body will seek out and find its proper proportions.
- Life will become easier when you become less reactive.
This food plan is simple, includes all the foods you already have in your
own kitchen and most of all creates a strong sense of well being.
I’ve used this food plan for many years and when I fall short I notice a complete change in the way I feel, work and react.
- Halts carbohydrate cravings.
- Allows me to go longer without feeling ravenously hungry.
- Creates a more focused mind, resulting in the ability to complete more tasks during the day.
- Helps me maintain true peace of mind, and become more motivated.
This food plan is well worth using as the results allow you to operate at the top of your game with a true sense of well being. This food plan along with learning how to “retrain the brain” ensures a full and permanent recovery from anxiety and/or depersonalization.