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Anxiety and Ringing in the Ears (Tinnitus)

It’s not unusual to become aware of a background hissing or ringing in your ears when you are upset, stressed or in a very quiet room. This hypersensitivity occurs when your brain becomes reactive and your body goes into “fight or flight” mode. It may also occur when one has experienced prolonged stress and worry. In essence, all senses are turned onto high alert in order to protect you from a perceived danger. Sights, sounds, smells, touch and generally all of your senses are enhanced and in most cases exaggerated to almost uncomfortable levels.

With this hypersensitivity one becomes consciously and uncomfortably aware of auditory sounds that were never noticeable in the past. It’s as if someone has turned up the sound on your auditory (hearing) system and naturally the more upset one becomes, the louder and longer it persists.

The explanation of Tinnitus (ringing ears) for this is quite simple:

Tinnitus is a ringing, whooshing, hissing or pulsating, throbbing sound in one or both ears (usually stronger in one) that becomes more noticeable under stress, reclining in bed or in a quiet room.

Triggers that often result in Tinnitus:

– Neck difficulties such as Arthritis, or Stiff Neck, Upper Spinal Problems and Cracking Neck Sensations.

– TMJ (Temporalmandibular Jaw Difficulties) caused by Malocclusion (bite off or dental problems), experienced by clicking in jaw, popping sounds while chewing or yawning, exacerbated by grinding teeth while asleep or under stress. Jaw is often sore in front of ear which often extends to head, neck or back. Ringing in ears is also a common symptom of TMJ.

– Anxiety: Reactivity to outside stimuli due to a shock or prolonged period of stress which has yet to be reconciled. Fearful thought follows which often leads to sensitization.

– Sensitization: This is when the mind and body become extremely aware of every sensation which occurs, in an effort to keep one “on guard” in case of danger. This is the brain’s way of protecting you after a period of prolonged stress, which alerts and awakens all your senses to turn up the volume.

The Science:: The science behind these sensations is simple to understand and will enable you to use this understanding to release your fears, which often contribute the most to the fueling of the sensation. Anxiety reactions create the release of Adrenaline into your system. This Adrenaline, along with other stress chemicals increase the blood flow in the body and enhances, stimulates or excites certain organs and their performance capabilities. It stimulates the digestive tract, often resulting in IBS reactions. It stimulates blood flow to the face, resulting in blushing and warm flushes. It stimulates or excites your ears and hearing apparatus to turn up the volume and listen for more faint sounds that normally remain softly in the background. This is very noticeable in animals when there ears perk up, listening for threatening sounds in their surroundings. Naturally our ears aren’t noticeably lifting but it’s the identical principle as one goes into alert mode and the volume intensifies within


The good news is that this is temporary and easily manageable when approached correctly. Understanding is the first place to go in order to achieve full recovery.

– Often learning the science behind this interruption is enough to calm one down and allow healing to take place. Without fearful thought and contemplation concerning this anxiety related symptom, the mind and body adjust and hearing settles back down to normal intensity. This will happen, when you learn to let go of your fear in a very specific manner.

– The brain actually does adjust to these intrusive sounds as it has its own way of compensating for disturbances such as these. The calmer the individual, the more rapid the adjustment. If you are anxious concerning this, do not fear because there is a very specific treatment where you can learn to settle down and create a less reactive mind and body.

– You may not be aware of this, but the more stressed you become the more intensified the ringing or hissing sounds become as well. This is why many find a loud hissing will often disappear completely after they fall asleep at night and actually soften the following morning, until they begin thinking about it again. Some even find it the ringing is completely gone until they focus on it or remind themselves about it. So much is dependent on how one thinks and the fear surrounding the thought.

– If you suffer with TMJ, visit your dentist and look into appliances you may use when asleep to interrupt grinding and give the jaw a rest. Muscles will relax and this often leads to great relief, not only from tinnitus but also TMJ pain in the face and jaw. Be aware of jaw clenching during the day and consciously relax your jaw and apply relaxation steps to ensure less pressure to this area.

– Speak to your physician about arthritis in neck area and learn physical therapy exercises to bring forth relief from a stiff or cracking neck.

– Remind yourself that anxiety symptoms often lead to Hyperacusis or acute hearing where sounds seem louder and more intrusive when stress is the culprit, regardless of the trigger. Your brain will always adjust if you learn to step out of your own way and learn to specifically relieve the stress.

– Don’t be fooled into believing you have to over-protect your ears by seeking out quiet places and situations. The ears actually require adequate stimulation. This allows the brain to turn down the internal volume, resulting in relief of intrusive noise rather than pump it up, which occurs when you seek prolonged periods of forced quiet time.

Bottom line, do not become stuck in sensitization or the fight or flight mode of living. Sensitized individuals are hyperaware and hyperreactive to all outside stimuli. By learning to live in a calmer less reactive way, you are turning down the volume on all levels. Hearing returns to normal as tinnitus fades into the background where it belongs. Reactivity to stressful situations becomes easier to handle when approached correctly and life becomes more enjoyable on all levels.

For further information on this topic and all other topics relating to anxiety and/or depersonalization, feel free to contact us:

Dr. R. E. Freedman
Anxiety Busters, Inc.
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Anxiety Relief Through Nutrition

Nutrition is a far greater part of the recovery process than one can imagine. Foods reflect your moods and when used correctly allow one complete control over how they feel. From the moment you arise in the morning until you go to sleep at night, there are food choices which will determine how you will feel.

Morning foods should provide energy and vigor rather than bog you down. Instead of fueling the fogginess they should crack through the haze and boost your concentration levels as you begin the day. Caffeine is not required to achieve this morning energy response. There are other natural food choices that help blast through the fog.

Here are a few suggestions to combat early morning feelings of anxiety and brain fog:

– Avoid all sweet and refined boxed cereals at all costs. Pancakes and waffles are also not recommended unless whole grain and accompanied by a protein.
– Get up, get dressed and get out…walking past the brain fog after a nutritional meal helps awaken mind and body.
– Watch your thoughts and stop scaring yourself with “what if” thinking.

The best choices for an energy provided breakfast is as follows:

Breakfast Suggestions

Eggs (prepared in any fashion you prefer), along with whole grain toast or turkey bacon, and warm decaffeinated beverage.
Oatmeal with low glycemic fruits (blueberries, cantaloupe, strawberries), and one egg or protein powder.
Natural peanut butter on whole grain bread with fresh berries or melon slices and decaffeinated warm beverage.

Never skip breakfast and always have this meal within 30 minutes of rising in the morning.

Lunch Suggestions

– Dense/Solid Protein such as chicken, meat or fish with a whole grain bread or salad side. (no sweet dressings).
– Salad with Protein (chicken, fish or meat).
– Soup with vegetables and protein (chicken, fish or meat)
– Grilled Cheese on whole grain flatbread with unsweetened beverage.

Dinner Suggestions

– Lean Protein (Chicken, Meat or Fish) along with Potato and Green or Yellow Vegetable, Salad.
– Whole Grain Pasta with Protein and Salad or Vegetable.
– Mediterranean Salad with Seafood and Lemon Dressing.
– Chili with Shredded Cheddar and Caesar Salad.

The above suggestions are a minor outline (which is more detailed in our program package), and can be used as a guideline for foods that will allow clarity and peace of mind. They fuel your energy without adding to feelings of anxiety.

Remember, never go more than 4 hours without a meal. Snacks are fine but you’ll find unnecessary if your meal satisfies you.

Suggestions for Snacks:

-Hummus with carrot or celery sticks.
-Natural Peanut Butter and Blueberries on whole grain toast.
-Hard Boiled eggs and Cheddar Cheese. –
-Whole Grain Cereal and Berries
-Fresh Fruit with Cheese or Nuts (nut butters)
-Yogurt and Fresh fruit.

* Anti-Insomnia Formula

After eating lean protein with every meal and snack during the day, choose a complex carbohydrate alone (without a protein) for a bedtime snack (about 45 minutes before sleep). No simple sugars such as sodas, cakes or candy. No Milk either as it is protein and will interfere with this anti-insomnia formula. Stick with one of the following instead:

– Whole grain toast and butter
– Dry whole grain cereal (Cheerios)
– Whole Grain Pretzels or Crackers
– Oatmeal (no milk)
– Rice Cake

You will find yourself relaxing after using this natural anti-insomnia formula and will achieve a restful and refreshing night’s sleep!

Remember that food is fuel and when the proper nutrition plan is followed it will allow one full control of how they wish to feel. You are always in charge when applying the correct choices and following the proper steps.

The above are only a few examples of how you can use foods to change the way you feel. The combination of this nutrition plan and the proper behavioral modifications will change your life. They will help you maintain balanced blood sugar levels and naturally boosted Serotonin (the feel good chemical) in the brain.

The foods you often crave are often the exact foods that fuel this condition. Choose foods that are low in sugar and do not metabolize into sugar, such as refined white flours, pastas and simple sugars. If you must have a sweet, do it directly after your meal. The goal is to maintain stable blood sugar levels and balanced Serotonin in the brain. By following this food plan you will feel happier, more secure and less reactive to outside stimuli.

This is a very specific nutrition plan and must be strictly adhered to in order to achieve results, but well worth the effort. The Behavioral Modification steps are also to be followed precisely to achieve complete success, as outlined in our Anxiety Recovery Package.

This is the combination and path to full and permanent recovery from the Anxiety Condition. The results will give you back your life as you achieve a complete and true sense of calm and well being.

For further information, please call our office: 215-635-4700, 10:00 am – 10:00 pm (est) or visit our website at

Dr. R. E. Freedman
Anxiety Busters, Inc.
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)
Complimentary Phone Evaluation

Lose Fear and Worry by Finding Your Voice

I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.

– Lily Tomlin

Life can be difficult within your own personal problems combined with world catastrophes. Between family, friends, work and the fear of war, plagues, terrorism and the like, one has a pretty full plate when it comes to worry and fear.

There are many things in life we have full control over and this is where we begin. Problem solving can instantly work when applied to workable situations. Beyond that we may often feel helpless but there are things one can do to release these fears and let go of the feeling of victimization.

As the Lily Tomlin quote says, “I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. then I realized I was somebody.” You are that somebody as long as you have a voice. This is your opportunity to find your voice and use it to stand up for the things you believe in. You are that somebody who, with your voice, has the chance to change things. Give up feeling victimized and speak out for yourself and for others who feel the same way. Trust that you know what is right and become the individual who is heard, in favor of change for the better.

You will marvel at how good you begin to feel as the fear and worry is replaced by action and strength. Using your voice will enable you to break out of the waiting room and into the game of life. Expressing oneself feels wonderful, especially if you are stating the truth, facts and your firm beliefs. It’s freeing and will turn fears into power.

If you find yourself obsessing or fearfully worrying about the things that frighten you and you want to find your voice but don’t know where to begin, try the following to calm your mind and body:

(1) Get Physical: It’s not so easy to worry and think fearfully over something when you’ve been running for 30 minutes.

(2) Get Busy: Find an interest that means something to you and lose yourself in it. Time flies when we are fully engaged in a project or interest.

(3) Volunteer: Make sure it’s a cause you genuinely care about and can throw yourself into it full force.

(4) Leave your fear behind when you decide to speak your mind and express yourself fully to friends and family.

(5) Journal: Write down your thoughts, feelings and opinions every day. Sort out your feelings, fears and worries on paper. When you are through, think of solutions and write them down.

Become a problem solver and your voice will grow stronger. When you know what is frightening you and you have a belief system that you know could alleviate the problems, voice your beliefs.

Practice leaving fear behind. Use your voice frequently and know that the more you use it the easier it becomes. Stand up for your beliefs and your fears will diminish.

(8) Meditate by slowing down, breathing and locating tension in the body. Breathe in slowly and deeply, hold a few moments and with your exhalation release all the burdens you have been carrying on your shoulders all day. Feel the relief as your body loosens and the heaviness melts away.

By using your voice you will gain confidence and self respect. You will make a difference. Every voice counts and adds up in the end.

Never be victimized by fear when your one path out is through voicing your opinions, views and beliefs.

Don’t fear debating your beliefs either. Toughen up and don’t back down. Your opinions are worthwhile and should not be overlooked.

On your path to finding your voice you will also find the stronger side of yourself. You might be very pleasantly surprised to find a strong sense of well being and peace replaces your fears and worries, once you begin participating in the game of life again by learning to find and use your voice.

Remember, the someone who has the ability to do something, is you. It always has been. Now’s the time to find your voice and use it. You’ll find out that doing something can alleviate your worries and actually result in positive change. It only takes one voice, let it be yours.

Dr. R. E. Freedman
Anxiety Busters, Inc.
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Depersonalization Caused by Marijuana Smoking and Marijuana Edibles

Depersonalization Caused by Marijuana Smoking and Marijuana Edibles

by Dr. R. E. Freedman

In recent times, a marijuana experience has become very different than the one might have had after smoking or ingesting marijuana in the past. This is because the amount of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the chemical responsible for most of marijuana’s psychological effects, is much higher today than in the past. It has recently risen from less than 1% – 4% in the 1990s, to nearly 13% today. Many times it reaches higher than 37% in many marijuana substances. This is quite a jump in potency and unexpected for many who are unaware of this fact.

The result for many is greater degrees of adverse reactions for longer periods of time. Individuals, especially those not used to inhaling or ingesting a substance of this potency may often experience the following reactions:

Adverse Reactions
– Disorientation
– Anxiety
– Panic
– Confusion
– Racing Mind
– Cotton Mouth (dry mouth)
– Thirst
– Racing Heart
– Depersonalization (feelings of unreality)

The problem with edible marijuana in particular is that it takes longer to work (30 minutes or more) but may last up to 8-10 hours at a time. This is quite different than the instant 3- 10 minute smoking high which lasts for a much shorter period of time. Impatient individuals often ingest too much of the edibles at one time, not understanding that it takes longer to experience the effects, much longer than smoking marijuana. Effects may be more pronounced from ingesting too much of the substance as well (dosages are not always regulated), leaving the individual feeling panicky with the realization of how much they consumed and that the effects often last up to 8-10 hours.

It is important for the individual to do the following if experiencing any distress:

Hydrate – Drink plenty of water and then drink some more.
Eat Food.
Breathe through the anxiety and remain as calm as possible
Learn the steps to overcome anxiety and continue using them
Remind yourself that this is basically a safe substance and it is merely a matter of time until symptoms subside.
Depersonalization will require a specific process to interrupt the symptoms.

It’s important to remember that the THC in marijuana after ingested (eaten) rather than smoked is broken down in the liver (metabilized) into a new compound that is quite a bit more psychedelic and lasts longer than regular THC. This is why many experience a stronger, “tripping” type experience after ingesting too much marijuana this way. It’s important to find out the dosage in an edible before ingesting rather than after.

It is also imperative to learn how edibles in particular interact with other medications and foods. This is not the marijuana of yesteryear and if taken in too large a dosage, one risks a strong and uncomfortable reaction, much more of a psychedelic nature than smoking.

Depersonalization and/or Anxiety Reactions

If you find that you are still experiencing feelings of anxiety and/or depersonalization 24 hours or more after using marijuana, do not panic. Some individuals are naturally more reactive to outside stimuli than others. It is indicative of a strong impression related to the mild trauma of this experience. The marijuana is out of your system but may leave you with a strong imprint of the event. This impression is not difficult to overcome when approached correctly. You have not damaged yourself or are going crazy. Your mind is still transitioning from the experience and memory often plays a strong part in this transition. The more upset and worried you become, the more prolonged and pronounced the experience.

This new and more powerful strain of marijuana is not for everyone. If you are highly reactive to outside stimuli, such as caffeine, nicotine, medications, alcohol or marijuana in the past, then you might experience a stronger reaction to smoking the marijuana of today, and definitely a stronger reaction to the edibles, as dosages are often unregulated and higher than one might expect.

Learning how to use these substances correctly along with knowing yourself is the key to maintaining a calm and less reactive mind and body.

Depersonalization accompanied by strong symptoms of anxiety is often experienced after a bad encounter with marijuana. It is upsetting, frustrating and often lingers if not approached correctly. It is not difficult to overcome but it is essential that one understands exactly what has occurred and how to interrupt the symptoms effectively.

Knowledge really is power and by learning all one can before experimenting with these substances is imperative in maintaining a peaceful state of mind without the interruption of intrusive symptoms to both mind and body.

For further information do not hesitate to call for a complimentary phone evaluation concerning this topic or check out our website for follow up information concerning our program package and phone/Skype counseling sessions.
Office Phone: 215-635-4700, 10-10 (EST)

Post Marijuana Depersonalization Syndrome

Post Marijuana Depersonalization Syndrome

by Dr. R. E. Freedman

There is a pattern of symptoms which often follow the use of marijuana (smoking and edibles). This pattern may occur even years after the use of this substance without any repercussions. What generally occurs is a strong sensation of feeling unreal, detached, disoriented, foggy or disconnected. Many state they experience the prolonged sensation of feeling high, as if the marijuana remained in their system or caused damage within. This produces intense worry, fear, lack of sleep and loss of appetite. Concentration levels drop as does the ability to work, socialize, study or simply enjoy life.

We call this the Post Marijuana Depersonalization Syndrome (PMDS) and it is not an unusual occurrence. There is a typical personality type that experiences this reaction and it helps to know if one falls into this category. This is the individual who is basically:

– Highly intelligent
– Analytical
– Over-achiever
– Creative
– Perfectionist

– Most of all, this individual is Highly Reactive to outside stimuli, as exhibited in the following:

– Adverse reactions when taking prescription medications which often overrides the benefits of the medication.
– Intense reaction to caffeine, nicotine, alcohol or recreational drugs.
– Experiences discomfort in rising outdoor temperatures, with irritability, anxiety and tension.

This is also an individual who avoids the discomfort of confrontation and often represses strong emotions such as:


Instead of acknowledging and working out emotional distress, the individual represses emotions, which result in the manifestation of intrusive physical and emotional symptoms such as:

Feelings of Unreality
Brain Fog
Inability to Concentrate
Visual Disturbances
Headaches and Body Aches
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Loss of Appetite
Gastrointestinal Distress

These sensations are only exacerbated by the use of medication since the individual is highly reactive to outside stimuli and medication is high on this list.

Naturally, the remedy for Post Marijuana Depersonalization Syndrome (PMDS) is to completely avoid triggers such as:

Recreational Substances that alter one’s mental state
Excess of Sugar

It is also essential to learn how to interrupt symptoms and make the proper corrections, allowing a fatigued mind to refresh. This entails:

Learning how to make the proper Behavioral Corrections (Thought Modification) allowing a fatigued mind to refresh.
Using a highly specific Nutrition Plan to create a less reactive mind and body, resulting in balanced blood sugar levels and naturally boosting Serotonin levels in the brain.

The combination of Thought Modification along with Nutritional Corrections allow an exhausted mind and body to rejuvenate, allowing full clarity to permanently return.

For further information, feel free to contact our office for a complimentary phone evaluation.

Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

IBS and Artificial Sweeteners

Are you experiencing frequent bouts of intestinal distress ranging from diarrhea to intrusive intestinal symptoms? Is bloating, gas, flatulence, pain and sour stomach an every day occurrence? This cycle of intestinal issues may temporarily respond to anti-diarrhea medications or antacids but somehow continues to plague the sufferer. Diet alterations may temporarily provide some relief but one often finds it difficult to pinpoint the cause or the cure.

Finally, by process of elimination, one is able to uncover the true culprit of the gastrointestinal distress and actually do something to bring about permanent relief. The offending substances, lurking in every day foods and substances are called sugar alcohols and they are often liberally used on a daily basis.

This group of artificial sweeteners are not only hidden in products we consume on a daily basis but trigger a host of gastrointestinal symptoms for anyone prone to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and for some who have never experienced gastrointestinal reactions before in their lives.

The names these sugar alcohols go under are as follows:


These sweeteners initially come from plant products but are are altered through a chemical process and are hidden in the ingredients of the following products and substances:

Breath Mints
Cough Formulas
Ice Cream
Fruit Spreads
Baked Goods
Dietetic Products
Sugar-Free Products
Pre-Workout Drinks and Supplements
Sports Nutrition Products
Low Carb Products

Side Effects of Sugar Alcohols

Stomach Cramps
Stomach Pain
Sour Stomach
Blood Sugar Fluctuations

The reason behind this gastrointestinal difficulty is mainly because Sugar Alcohols are not completely absorbed by the body. They are indigestible and passed through the digestive system, resulting in fermentation in the intestines. Fermentation results in gas, cramping, bloating and gastrointestinal distress. Warnings are often found on products containing these sugar alcohols stating “Excess Consumption may Result in a Laxative Effect.” Naturally, this is not a preferable option for anyone dealing with the normal functions of every day living.

Even for those who are not IBS sufferers, over consumption of these products may trigger abdominal discomfort, spanning from cramps to diarrhea. Dehydration may also be a risk factor if the laxative effect is strong. Stomach pains, gas and bloating are intrusive but simply eradicated when one recognizes the offending substance as listed on the label and immediately discontinue usage of such products containing these substances.

Since these sugar alcohols are highly indigestible, the best defense against gastrointestinal disturbances related to the use of these products is the following:

– Immediately discontinuation of any product containing any one of the artificial sweeteners.
– Opt for more natural products.
– Choose whole foods over processed and refined products.
– Check out labels on all products that are sweet or low sugar.
– Choose natural sugar over artificial. Opt for smaller portions.

In closing, it is up to you to be aware of the ingredients found in the products you select. Investigate whenever you experience gastrointestinal distress.

Is it after you brush your teeth or use mouthwash?

Is it shortly after using a specific product?
Is it while chewing gum or using a cough formula or breath mint?

Avoid sugar-free and low carb items. Substitute these products and substances with a more natural choice. Shop the peripheral of the your market for the natural foods and products (produce, meats, fish, dairy). The foods you choose supply your mind and body with energy. Food is the fuel that maintains healthy functioning and results in feeling well. Choose the cleanest and most natural products to achieve the healthiest mind and body possible. It is always a choice. Choose good health and maintain a healthy mind and body, free of intrusive symptoms.

Anxiety and Pre-Workout Supplement Use

There is a great deal of hype connected with pre-workout supplements and their ability to boost the effects of an exercise routine. They claim to enhance energy, physical capabilities and build greater muscle mass, changing a normal workout session into a “super” workout. The problem with these promises is the fact that these stimulants actually create more physical and emotional difficulties than the benefits they promise.

The majority of these stimulants contain massive doses of caffeine along with a laundry list of sub-standard ingredients. This may seem innocuous to those hoping for miraculous results but in reality these pre-workout supplements are more than often quite dangerous, especially to those who are stimulant sensitive. The problem is that most are unaware of their own reactivity to these substances until they find themselves in the midst of intense adverse reactions.

Common Adverse Reactions to Pre-Workout Supplements:

– Severe Anxiety
– Intensive Depersonalization
– Hallucinations
– Convulsions
– Heart Rhythm Abnormalities
– Heart Attack
– Tremors
– Addiction, Dependency
– Palpitations
– Irritability, Mood Swings
– Inability to Focus
– Adrenal Fatigue
– Racing Thoughts
– Hair loss
– Memory Impairment
– Sexual Dysfunction

Adrenal Glands

After prolonged use, a great toll is taken on the adrenal glands as they are forced to produce large quantities of energy producing adrenaline. This eventually culminates in adrenal fatigue when the adrenals fail to manufacture enough adrenaline for the individual to function properly. The result being, extreme fatigue, nervousness and heightened anxiety levels. The overload on the adrenal glands must be immediately addressed and treated with a specific, natural approach in order to rebuild and restore complete function of these glands.

One often becomes tolerant to these stimulants requiring higher dosages to receive the same so-called benefits. After prolonged use the individual finds himself using far too much, too often, becoming dependent on these “supplements” for normal energy on a daily basis.

Withdrawal Symptoms

There is also the problem of withdrawal symptoms when halting the use of these stimulants.

Upon Discontinuation of Pre-Work-out Supplements one may initially experience:

– Fatigue
– Headaches
– Craving for the Stimulants
– Mood Swings of great intensity
– Severe Depression
– Intense Hunger
– Mental Confusion
– Initial Increase in Anxiety, Depersonalization and Racing Thoughts
– Extreme Insomnia
– Adrenal Burnout

One must not resort to taking more stimulants in order to counter these reactions. This action will only prolong recovery and add to already damaged adrenals. Instead, one must learn to naturally counter these reactions by beginning a program based upon treating impaired adrenals.

Adrenal Fatigue

This Adrenal Fatigue Treatment approach includes:

– Sufficient rest, re-establishing sleep patterns, insomnia treatment
– Proper diet/nutrition correction
– Moderation in exercise
– Slow withdrawal from any existing stimulants
– Natural Treatment of Anxiety, Depersonalization and Depression

One must not be tricked into believing more stimulants will alleviate symptoms, as the required correction is the exact opposite. The adrenals require time and patience to repair, rather than an increase in stimulants which only hamper recovery.
Most of all, one must be aware of the hype connected to these supplements, which in reality are merely massive stimulants that have become highly commercialized. The internet is saturated with bogus, glowing reports about these products, preying on and victimizing young people to purchase under false pretenses. Consumer beware by knowing and understanding fully what these chemicals will do to your system and the long road one must take in order to rebuild a truly healthy mind and body.

Dr. R.E. Freedman
Anxiety and Depersonalization Treatment
Anxiety Busters, Inc.
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST) Mon-Sun

Anxiety and Marijuana Use

Marijuana use is now confirmed to be less than enjoyable for many ever since a brand new set of reactions have begun to plague those who choose to smoke. Many who have smoked marijuana for years in the past find the experience to be presently quite different, as they now experience a host of intrusive side effects.

The follow complaints have been noted from recent polls concerning marijuana use:

– Intense Anxiety
– Panic Attacks
– Rapid Heartbeat
– Lightheadedness
– Insomnia
– Dizziness
– Sweating
– Shaking
– Breathing Difficulties
– Feelings of Unreality (depersonalization/derealization)

The above sensations are usually experienced after using stimulants, which is quite interesting, since marijuana use previously triggered the opposite effect.

Nonetheless, the complaints are increasing, as are the symptoms. Even after the marijuana is out of the system, many find the symptoms continue or even escalate. This is not difficult to overcome once one has a full understanding of this difficulty and learns how to approach it correctly.


It’s important to understand precisely what is occurring in order to achieve fully recovery from this form of traumatic sensitization.

Both mind and body experienced a mild shock or traumatic event when the adverse reaction occurred (marijuana use). The frightened mind went into self-protective mode as did the reactive body (release of adrenaline in preparation of fight or flight). This fight or flight release of adrenaline produces racing heart, sweating, rapid eye movement and tense muscles. Adrenaline also creates an abundance of energy to necessitate a rapid escape from the associated danger. Since imminent danger is not actually a factor in this case, and the flight mechanism is not in play, the abundance of adrenaline remains in the system, resulting in more symptoms.

Stimulant Use

Bottom line, it’s important to realize that marijuana, especially purchased on the street, is usually laced with substances that result in stimulation and excitability, classifying this substance in the category of stimulants. It is a known fact that stimulants trigger anxiety reactions in sensitive individuals and are best avoided.


– It is imperative to avoid further marijuana use if sensitized and reactive.

– Replace relaxation method with meditation, breathing, yoga or outdoor activity such as walking, running, swimming, etc.

– Make use of a proper anti-anxiety nutrition plan, which maintains balanced blood sugar while naturally boosting Serotonin levels in the brain.

– Look to nature for a calm and healthy body: Nourishment, Rest, Fresh Air, Activity and Nurtured Living Plan.

– Take responsibility for your own happiness and well being.

– Begin a course in desensitization, learning to interrupt fearful thinking, combined with a specific food/nutrition plan to maintain a calm and peaceful mind and body.

In conclusion, it’s essential to know your own sensitivity levels and stay within them. Many individuals are highly reactive to outside stimuli, especially when stimulating substances are in play. Make choices that take these factors into consideration. Follow a plan that brings forth a state of calm rather than the stimulating factors that result in an over-sensitized mind and body. The goal is to feel well, relaxed and in a zone where happiness is the norm rather than falsely perceived.

Dr. R. E. Freedman
Anxiety Busters, Inc.
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Depersonalization: The Marijuana Trigger

The strong sensation of unreality, detachment and inability to relate to your surroundings hits you out of the blue. It might occur while smoking marijuana with friends, but why are you the only one experiencing this disconnection from reality? A wave of fear washes over you and near panic combines with this feeling of unreality. You fearfully wonder about the marijuana you were smoking and why such a strong reaction occurred. It’s hard to believe you were the only one reacting in such a disturbing way and once again, why just you? You convince yourself that a good night’s rest might be the answer but find it difficult to settle down and disengage from your fears concerning this frightening reaction.

You awaken the next morning only to find you are still plagued with this strange disconnected sensation and the terrifying memory of the night before. You try to describe it but words are difficult. You feel as if still high from the marijuana, as though it never wore off.

You try to resolve this puzzle by retracing the events of the night before and continue to come to the same alarming conclusion that the marijuana must have harmed you in some way! Once again you call everyone from the previous night who all state they are fine, which only adds to your feelings of dread and uneasiness. Your concern grows as you realize you still feel “strange,” “odd,” “high” and extremely fearful of the core sensation of unreality. You come to the conclusion that you must be “damaged” from the marijuana and your fears escalate. Even though you never experienced reactions previous to this event, you are now overcome with the notion that something went terribly”wrong.”

Convinced you are damaged for life, you begin searching on the internet for answers, which instantly fuels your fears as you are barraged with the upsetting tales shared by others with similar reactions. Symptoms and length of time others have suffered with these symptoms hit you right between the eyes and ramp up your already adrenaline fueled mind and body. Your cold sweat finally abates when you ultimately find what you were looking for… a name for what you have been experiencing. At this moment you feel both relieved and fearful at the same time. Depersonalization describes exactly what you have been experiencing and you’re no longer alone.


Definition: The feeling of unreality brought on by extreme stress, fear or shock or trauma. The experience of feeling detached, unreal, separated or numb.


Definition: Experiencing a difference or change in the way you perceive your surroundings, where they feel or look different and strange to you

Though experienced in a slightly different way (some experience both), depersonalization and derealization are treated identically and respond well to the same treatment when correctly approached.


There are many triggers which initiate feelings of depersonalization/derealization and marijuana is now one of the foremost triggers, along with extreme stress, certain medications, prolonged worry, intense anxiety and other mood altering substances.

Symptoms of Depersonalization/Derealization

Feelings of Unreality

Fuzzy feeling in head

Inability to concentrate

Detached Sensation

Surroundings look different



Loss of Appetite





Racing Heart

Natural Treatment of Depersonalization/Derealization Triggered by Marijuana Use

It’s imperative to know that depersonalization and derealization is the result of a shock or traumatic experience resulting in a strong memory experience leading to the compulsion to fearfully worry. This habit or behavior takes on a life of its own, well after the trigger has disappeared. The new behavior cycles all through the day and exhausts the mind in a way that makes concentration difficult, which adds to the cycle of fear. It is essential that one learns to BREAK THE CYCLE and allow the mind to refresh, so clarity returns.


First Step of Recovery

Retrain the Brain: One must recognize this habit of fearful worry and immediately begin the process of interrupting this behavior. You are training a fearful mind to recognize this disruptive behavior and replace it with the proper correction. This is not difficult but is quite specific and requires strict adherence.

Second Step of Recovery

Nutritional Therapy: In conjunction with specific behavioral therapy, one must learn how to boost Serotonin levels naturally and maintain balanced blood sugar levels through diet and nutrition. The food plan is a strong part of the therapy and as important a factor as the behavioral therapy. This combination results in rejuvenation of the mind (and body), as clarity replaces foggy thought and life returns to normal.

In Conclusion

This process does not require a long or drawn out period of time. Remember, you are not ill. This is a tired mind, exhausted by the habit of constant fearful worry. It does require one’s full commitment and willingness to follow the process as presented in detail. It is as simple as following as recipe but one’s participation is required.

For further information contact:

Article Written By: Dr. R. E. Freedman
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST), Mon-Sun.

Depersonalization Induced by E-Cigarettes and Vaping

There are many triggers linked to feelings of depersonalization and derealization but lately a high rate of reactivity to E-Cigarettes and Vaping is reaching noticeable levels.

Symptoms of E-Cigarette and Vaping Use include:

– Feelings of Unreality and Detachment

– Severe Anxiety leading to Panic Attacks

– Severe Chest Pains when Breathing (which stop when use is discontinued)

– Lightheadedness, often extreme

– Racing Heart, Palpitations

– Insomnia

– Sweating and Irritability

– Excitability

– Inability to Concentrate

Recovery from Symptoms

1- Discontinue Use of These Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping

The symptoms often abate when usage is discontinued with the exception of those who become sensitized to these reactions, creating further symptoms until they learn to interrupt the process of fearful worry.

It’s essential that the individual recognizes the trigger and makes a choice concerning their health. Through proper approach one is able to interrupt the habit of fearful worry and allow a sensitized body to calm down, and a tired mind to refresh.

Application of the correct process is crucial for the fatigued mind to rejuvenate and a full return to clarity. One learns to interrupt this habit of fearful behavior and step out of one’s own way. The process is simple to use but requires strict adherence by the individual.

2- Begin the Process of Self Nurturing

Proper diet must be applied that creates a less reactive mind and body through naturally increased Serotonin levels in the brain and Stable Blood Sugar levels in the body.

Daily activity and exercise outdoors also boosts Serotonin levels in brain.

3- Retrain the Brain to quiet the mind naturally rather than exacerbate the behavior of fearful thinking.

Learn how to train the mind to think correctly through a specific process which eliminates the habit of fearful thinking. This is not difficult but requires a different mindset that brings forth relief from these symptoms.

4- Know Your Reactivity Levels

It’s also necessary to realize that some individuals are highly reactive to outside stimuli, such as these Electronic Cigarettes. They contain substances that the reactive individual will find difficult to process and intrusive in their system.

Nicotine is a stimulant that the reactive person is going to process with difficulty.

5- Find Other Ways to Relax Rather Than the Use of E-Cigarettes and Vaping

Choose true methods of relaxation such as:

Proper Breathing, which makes a huge difference in our physical and mental health.

Meditation (short 5 minute meditation is often a great release of tension)





Breathing Correctly

Bottom line, you are in charge of how you feel and you have choices. When the mind and body are signaling you to stop using substances that result in negative reactions, LISTEN. Heed these signals and choose to nurture rather than hinder your body.

Feelings of anxiety and depersonalization are essentially red flags that you are doing something to interfere with proper functioning of both mind and body. It is your choice, always your choice, to create a lifestyle that fuels good health. Make that choice and notice an immediate improvement in both mind and body.

Depersonalization Induced by E-Cigarettes and Vaping
By Dr. R. E. Freedman
Depersonalization Treatment Center