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Adrenal Fatigue Quiz

Adrenal Fatigue

Those who struggle with anxiety often state they feel fatigued or depleted. They feel flat, exhausted, foggy and lightheaded. Feelings of depersonalization often appear as one becomes frustrated and caught up in the cycle of worry and fear.

There is a logical explanation for these sensations and also a natural treatment to overcome the exhausted and unreal state one is now experiencing.

Those who struggle with anxiety often state they feel fatigued or depleted. They also struggle with feelings of unreality and brain fog. This drained sensation is caused by the combination of:

1 – Constant release of adrenaline, in response to the habit of fearful thinking.
2 – A significant decrease in serotonin due to continuous stressful thought, worry and poor diet/nutrition.

Adrenal Fatigue Quiz

– Are you experiencing feelings of tiredness and fatigue, even after a good night’s sleep?

– Are mornings especially difficult for you and yet evenings are not quite as bad?

– Have you noticed a difficulty or inability to concentrate for long periods of time?

– Are you struggling with insomnia or anxious tension during the night?

– Do you feel tired, anxious or fuzzy after carbohydrates (cakes, sweets, breads)?

– Do you often feel wired and tired at the same time?

– Are you experiencing more episodes of irritability?

– Do you often feel emotionally flat?

– Is there a struggle to focus on things you used to find interesting?

– Do you often experience episodes of lightheadedness or dizziness?

– Do you often experience Brain Fog: Feelings of unreality and Depersonalization?

– Are you more anxious than usual and can’t seem to shake it?

– Do you often feel depressed or unmotivated?

– Do you find you are much more reactive (anxiety) to sugar and sugary foods?

– Have you noticed appetite changes such as lack of appetite or cravings?

– Do you find your energy levels are greater in evening hours?

If you have answered yes to 4 or more of these questions you might be experiencing stress related adrenal fatigue. Check out our Adrenal Fatigue CD which is included as part of our Anxiety Busters Program and Depersonalization Recovery Program.

For a complimentary telephone evaluation concerning anxiety or adrenal fatigue, call our office at 215-635-4700, between the hours of 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST) 7 Days a Week.

Depersonalization and Anxiety: The Marijuana Connection

Depersonalization, along with anxiety, is often the result of marijuana use, due to the physical and emotional reactions this substance elicits in many individuals. There is a specific approach to combat these reactions and restore both mind and body to a true sense of well being.

Many are now experiencing a disturbing reaction to marijuana, which never occurred in the past. Intense feeling of anxiety replace the initial subdued reaction normally expected.

Many have experienced the following intrusive symptoms after smoking marijuana:

– Increase in fearful thoughts
– Racing heart
– Hyperventilation
– Shaking hands
– Sweating
– Racing Thoughts
– Nervousness, shakiness, and weakness
– Inability to concentrate
– Irritability
– Hunger and/or nausea
– Tingling or numbness in the lips or tongue

The reason for these reactions, although a riddle to many, is the closely related correlation between marijuana use and a low blood sugar reaction. The more one smokes the steeper the crash and the greater intensity of these symptoms. If one is aware of this reaction and compensates by countering the low blood sugar symptoms, the episode is quickly ended and life returns to normal. If, on the other hand, the individual believes they have injured or damaged themselves, fearful worry takes over and eventually could lead to a fatigued mind and feelings of depersonalization.

Depersonalization is a mind tired from the constant habit of fearful worry. It is fueled by one’s anxiety over the way they are feeling and the cycle of worry continues until interrupted by understanding and effective behavior modification. In other words, one must learn to view this from the proper perspective and immediately interrupt the cycle of fearful worry. By doing so, the exhausted mind rapidly refreshes and life returns to normal.

The solution may sound simple but for many the habit of fearful worry may become firmly entrenched and will require more practice for them to believe this is (a) only the result of prolonged worry and (b) simple to rectify when applying the correct method.

Many are convinced they have sustained damage from the substance and wrongly believe they must require medication to combat their perceived condition. This is a misconception since medication will only exacerbation a condition, prevalent in those who are already highly reactive to outside stimuli. They will, as studies have proved, experience the adverse reactions rather than the benefits of most anti-anxiety/anti-depressants on the market today.

The Solution

The solution to this problem is fairly clear for those who experienced this reaction. The first and foremost recommendation is avoidance of this substance as some are more susceptible to these reactions. If one is reactive to stimuli such as caffeine, nicotine, prescription medications, temperature/climate change, or sugar, it is suggested that they would be reactive to marijuana or other substances in this category.

If they have already experienced this reaction, the initial solution would be to treat this reaction as one would treat an episode of low blood sugar.

Low Blood Sugar Remedies

– Immediately drink 1/2 Cup of Orange Juice or 1/3 Cup of Grape Juice
– Tablespoon of honey or 1/2 cup of regular soda

Wait 10 minutes and follow with a protein snack such as:

– Cheese (on crackers or whole grain bread)
– Milk
– Nuts, Nut Butter
– Egg
– Poultry, Fish or Meat or Dairy (if tolerated) snack

The protein will maintain solid and balanced blood sugar levels for a longer period of time after the initial sweet snack restored blood sugar levels.

The anxiety and feelings of confusion will abate quite rapidly as one resumes their normal routine.

Long Term Solution

Those who were unaware of this protocol may be plagued with extended feelings of anxiety and depersonalization. This is not difficult to overcome. Once understanding and behavioral modification of the habit of fearful worry is initiated, the mind quickly refreshes, clarity is restored and life returns to normal.

For further information on this topic:

Contact: Dr. R.E. Freedman
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Depersonalization: Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle of Depersonalization
By Dr. R.E. Freedman
Expert Author Dr. R.E. Freedman

Unlearn the habits that keep you stuck.

Depersonalization, a feeling of unreality often known as brain fog, and is created out of a fatigued mind, a mind exhausted from the habit of fearful worry. It is kept in place by the cycle of fear and will remain there until one learns to break this unproductive way of thinking and behaving. It’s imperative to remember this is not an illness. Depersonalization is strictly a learned behavior, easily remedied when approached correctly.

The individual experiencing depersonalization is most likely also contending with anxiety and frustration (often mistaken for depression) and often prescribed medication, which actually prolongs recovery. The minute medication is discontinued, symptoms return. This is why it is essential to learn the correct way to break the cycle of depersonalization through behavior modification and nutrition. Once again, this is not an illness, which is precisely why medications have very little affect and in most cases exacerbate the situation.

The correct way to approach this stubborn symptom is to look at it for what it is, a tired mind, unable to refresh itself due to the strong habit of fearful worry, which further exhausts. The goal is to refresh this mind, as soon as possible, and free the person from this intrusive symptom.

When the habit of fear is broken, the fuel which maintains depersonalization is removed. The mind is immediately frees itself from the constant release of adrenaline associated with the cycle of fear, depersonalized thought and the exhausted mind.

The plan to refresh the mind is the one and only necessity for full and permanent recovery. It is achieved by a two-fold process:

(1) Learning how to unlearn the behavior of fearful thought and worry.

(2) Implementing a nutrition plan with an emphasis on boosting serotonin levels naturally and maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

This combination allows an exhausted mind to refresh and symptoms fall by the wayside. It is important to unlearn a behavior that is keeping one “stuck” in this unproductive habit. The mind and body are eagerly waiting for the habit of fear to abate so it can refresh and lead to the return of clarity.

Changing the way one thinks and perceives resets the part of the brain that is always reacting to assumed dangers. New behaviors are essential since we are what we think about all day long. Un-learning unproductive thought patterns allows one true control over body reactions, which medication could never achieve.

The nutrition plan ensures a calmer more relaxed mind which contributes to a far less reactive body. Learning to boost serotonin naturally results in less reactivity to outside stresses, better sleep and a true sense of well being. Balanced blood sugar levels create a mind and body where stress reactions are not as easily triggered. Eliminating stressful substances (caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, excess sugars) allows one a mind and body that is far less likely to over-react.

Learning how to unlearn this habit is foremost in recovery and not difficult to achieve. It does not require a long or drawn out process for best results and is actually enjoyable to utilize.

The goal is to break the cycle of depersonalization, remove feelings of unreality and clear the fog. This is easily achieved by adhering to this simple, natural process, with no need for medication or long term treatment.

Dr. R.E. Freedman
Anxiety and Depersonalization


Antidepressants Often Intensify Anxiety and Depersonalization

Antidepressants Intensify Anxiety and Depersonalization
By Dr. R. E. Freedman
Expert Author Dr. R. E. Freedman

Feelings of anxiety and depersonalization do not require medication because neither is an illness. They are learned behaviors, simply resolved when approached correctly. Through the combination of behavior modification and diet/nutrition one is able to reconcile symptoms and return to normal living.

Antidepressant medications create amplified reactions for anyone sensitive to outside stimuli and many individuals fall into this category. The distinct personality of one who struggles with anxiety and depersonalization lends itself to these over-reactions.

Interestingly enough, the return to antidepressant medications, even for those who fared well upon first time usage, often creates a stronger adverse reaction, resulting in a noticeable setback in the recovery process.

It’s important to recognize the personality profile of the individual who adversely reacts to antidepressant medications:

Personality Profile

– Highly intelligent

– Reactive to outside stimuli: medications, temperature changes, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, stimulants, sugar.

– Analytical: Deep thinker, reworks situations in his/her mind.

– Over-Achiever: Hard worker, long invested hours, intense concentration.

– Perfectionist: Detail oriented, compulsive, precision in work.

– Non-Confrontational: Avoidance of uncomfortable situations, repression of emotions, frustration.

The combination of this personality and antidepressants often results in these reactions:

– Nausea

– Lightheaded

– Anxiety

– Panic

– Anxiety Attacks

– Loss of Appetite

– Insomnia

– Depersonalization

– Derealization

This is often intensified for those returning to antidepressant use after being med-free for a prolonged time frame. This is even more surprising when their first round of antidepressants might have been symptom free.

Bottom line, the combination of the above personality type and antidepressant medications is not recommended. The individual is far too reactive to outside stimuli and adverse reactions will override any benefits these medications could possibly provide.

The correct approach to permanent recovery from anxiety and depersonalization is supplied by the combination of behavior modification and diet/nutrition. This natural approach allows a permanent correction from debilitating brain fog, anxiety reactions and strong feelings of depersonalization and derealization. This approach does not require a long or drawn out process. The mind refreshes rapidly and anxiety symptoms abate. The diet/nutrition plan ensures a return to balanced blood sugar levels and stabilized serotonin levels in the brain.

Antidepressants only serve to hold serotonin in the brain but if one is not eating correctly, there is little serotonin to hold on to, defeating the main purpose. If, on the other hand, one eats correctly, serotonin is naturally manufactured on a daily basis, eliminating the need for medication. Life returns to normal without the risk of side effects, withdrawal symptoms or large financial investments required due to a strong dependency on pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Ronnie Freedman, Anxiety and Depersonalization Specialist
Natural Approach to Anxiety and Depersonalization
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Marijuana Induced Depersonalization: Simple Recovery

Marijuana Induced Depersonalization: Simple Recovery
By Dr. R. E. Freedman
Expert Author Dr. R. E. Freedman

Lately there has been an increase in marijuana related experiences of depersonalization disorder, feelings of brain fog, detachment and unreality. One who never experienced disorientation and anxiety becomes frustrated and frightened as the symptoms not only linger but seem to intensify with time.

One does not have to struggle long term once understanding replaces fearful thinking. Relief lies in understanding this situation and learning how to achieve a complete and permanent recovery.

Understanding the Fatigued Mind

No matter what the trigger for these physical sensations, whether prescription medications, recreational drugs, alcohol abuse, or even prolonged stress/ illness, the effects of the initial event will eventually dissipate. Unfortunately, by this time, the mind has become fatigued by the habit of constant fearful worry. This continuous introspection is accompanied by the release of adrenaline throughout the body, heightening already intrusive symptoms and further tiring an already exhausted mind. More fear is induced and the cycle of fear-> adrenaline-> fear begins. A habit is born and if not approached correctly, one becomes entrenched in trapped feelings and fears permanent damage. Nothing could be farther from the truth but one must learn how to interrupt these sensations in order to pick up the pieces and return to normal living.

Two Part Recovery

It is essential to follow a specific therapy process, one which is accelerated and will enable a complete and permanent recovery. This does not involve medication since you are dealing with an individual, who is already reactive to outside stimuli, medication being high on that list.

Retrain the Brain

1- The first step towards recovery, beyond understanding the tired mind, is learning how to allow fatigue to lift naturally. It’s learning how to move out of one’s own way, so the mind is no longer exhausted by the habit of fearful thinking. One must learn how to replace unproductive thought with a more productive way of thinking. This is not difficult but must be followed in a specific step by step process. It generally takes 21 days to form a new habit, if one were to strictly adhere to the new behavior on a daily basis. Allowing for the intensity of habit and the normal “two steps forward, one step back” process of general behavioral recovery, a 2-3 month average for full recovery is expected.

Nutrition Connection

2- The second part of recovery involves nutritional therapy. This includes foods one already has in their own kitchen, bringing forth a noticeable improvement in both mind and body within a short period of time. This approach actually boosts Serotonin levels in the brain naturally and maintains balanced blood sugar levels, leading to a less reactive mind and body. Along with retraining the brain to think in a more productive manner, one finds that life returns to normal as a fatigued mind refreshes and rejuvenates naturally.

There is no need for medication, long term therapy or continuous discomfort when this disorder is approached correctly. With this two-fold approach, one is able to achieve a true sense of clarity and peace of mind by learning to change the way they think, along with a few simple nutritional alterations. By doing so, life returns to normal, as one begins to feel like their “old self” once again.

Dr. R. E. Freedman
Anxiety and Depersonalization
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM Daily

Anxiety and Depersonalization Caused by Pre-Workout Supplements

Anxiety and Depersonalization Caused By Pre-Workout Supplements
By Dr. R. E. Freedman
Expert Author Dr. R. E. Freedman

There is a great deal of hype connected with pre-workout supplements and their ability to boost the effects of an exercise routine. They claim to enhance energy, physical capabilities and build greater muscle mass, changing a normal workout session into a “super” workout. The problem with these promises is the fact that these stimulants actually create more physical and emotional difficulties than the benefits they promise.

The majority of these stimulants contain massive doses of caffeine along with a laundry list of sub-standard ingredients. This may seem innocuous to those hoping for miraculous results but in reality these pre-workout supplements are more than often quite dangerous, especially to those who are stimulant sensitive. The problem is that most are unaware of their own reactivity to these substances until they find themselves in the midst of intense adverse reactions.

Common Adverse Reactions to Pre-Workout Supplements:

– Severe Anxiety

– Intensive Depersonalization

– Hallucinations

– Convulsions

– Heart Rhythm Abnormalities

– Heart Attack

– Tremors

– Addiction, Dependency

– Palpitations

– Irritability, Mood Swings

– Inability to Focus

– Adrenal Fatigue

– Racing Thoughts

– Hair loss

– Memory Impairment

– Sexual Dysfunction

After prolonged use, a great toll is taken on the adrenal glands as they are forced to produce large quantities of energy producing adrenaline. This eventually culminates in adrenal fatigue when the adrenals fail to manufacture enough adrenaline for the individual to function properly. The result being, extreme fatigue, nervousness and heightened anxiety levels. The overload on the adrenal glands must be immediately addressed and treated with a specific, natural approach in order to rebuild and restore complete function of these glands.

One often becomes tolerant to these stimulants requiring higher dosages to receive the same so-called benefits. After prolonged use the individual finds himself using far too much, too often, becoming dependent on these “supplements” for normal energy on a daily basis.

There is also the problem of withdrawal symptoms when halting the use of these stimulants.

Upon Discontinuation of Pre-Work-out Supplements one may initially experience:

– Fatigue

– Headaches

– Craving for the Stimulants

– Mood Swings of great intensity

– Severe Depression

– Intense Hunger

– Mental Confusion

– Initial Increase in Anxiety, Depersonalization and Racing Thoughts

– Extreme Insomnia

– Adrenal Burnout

One must not resort to taking more stimulants in order to counter these reactions. This action will only prolong recovery and add to already damaged adrenals. Instead, one must learn to naturally counter these reactions by beginning a program based upon treating impaired adrenals.

This Adrenal Fatigue Treatment approach includes:

– Sufficient rest, re-establishing sleep patterns, insomnia treatment

– Proper diet/nutrition correction

– Moderation in exercise

– Slow withdrawal from any existing stimulants

– Natural Treatment of Anxiety, Depersonalization and Depression

One must not be tricked into believing more stimulants will alleviate symptoms, as the required correction is the exact opposite. The adrenals require time and patience to repair, rather than an increase in stimulants which only hamper recovery.

Most of all, one must be aware of the hype connected to these supplements, which in reality are merely massive stimulants that have become highly commercialized. The internet is saturated with bogus, glowing reports about these products, preying on and victimizing young people to purchase under false pretenses. Consumer beware by knowing and understanding fully what these chemicals will do to your system and the long road one must take in order to rebuild a truly healthy mind and body.

Dr. Ronnie Freedman
Anxiety and Depersonalization Treatment


Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM EST

Anxiety and Depersonalization Fueled By Energy Drinks

Anxiety and Depersonalization Fueled By Energy Drinks
By Dr. R. E. Freedman
Expert Author Dr. R. E. Freedman

Consumer alert, as loosely regulated, highly commercialized energy drinks are victimizing those who believe the hype. Serious health issues are being noted by innocent consumers who bought into the false claims surrounding these potentially dangerous drinks.

The ingredients of high energy drinks revolve around massive doses of caffeine, inordinate amounts of sugar and other unnecessary so-called vitamins. Two small drinks containing the “vitamin rich” ingredients often lead to severe reactions such as vitamin toxicity, especially concerning B vitamins (B6 and Niacin). Another ingredient known as Guarana is basically another form of caffeine, adding to the existing overload of caffeine in this potentially dangerous cocktail. This adds up to concentrated doses of caffeine, greater by nearly nine times the amount in coffee. This is not only risky to those who are already prone to anxiety but dangerous to one’s physical health as well.

Side Effects of Energy Drinks

– Severe Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Increase in DP and OCD symptoms.

– Serious Heart Problems including cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac contractions and cardiac arrest.

– Dehydration caused by extreme sugar content.

– Insomnia, nocturnal panic attacks, sleep disturbances. heart shakes.

– High Blood Pressure

– Tremors

– Irritability

– Mood Swings

– Vitamin Toxicity

– Palpitations

These so-called energy enhancers create more mental and physical problems than the imaginary benefits they offer. Sadly, many are drawn in by the commercialization of these products and victimized by very frightening reactions.

B vitamins are helpful when taken correctly but it has been cited that merely two energy drinks have resulted in levels greater than daily recommended allowances, resulting in flushing of skin and often B6 toxicity. High sugar levels impair absorption of fluids in the body and often lead to dehydration.

Emergency rooms are filled with those who believed a little energy boost would help them negotiate their day, only to experience severe, interfering symptoms of anxiety, panic, unreality and contractions of the heart.

Most deal with occasional sleepless nights, hoping to summon additional energy the next morning but have learned it is best to deal with fatigue through a more natural approach.

Fatigue Busters:

– Drink plenty of hydrating fluids.

– Moderate exercise, preferably outdoors.

– Nutritious Meals, (lean protein, whole grain and fresh fruits)

– Do not skip meals.

– Frequent Exercise breaks.

– Proper rest and full night sleep.

– Stress Reducing Techniques

– Sunlight

– Breathing corrections.

– Hot beverage, rather than highly caffeinated drinks

– Correct Circadian Rhythm by healthier sleep routines.

An overload of caffeine seems to last interminably long for anyone who is prone to anxiety reactions. Therefore, these highly caffeinated formulas must be avoided at all costs by anyone with a history of anxiety or anxiety related conditions such as depersonalization, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or irritable bowel syndrome.

Above all, Buyer Beware when it comes to these potentially dangerous products. Read the warnings and believe them. Any product with the capability to interfere with the rhythm of one’s heart and/or central nervous system is not to be treated lightly.

An informed consumer is a smart one. Avoid these difficulties before they begin by knowing the truth behind the products and knowing yourself. Most of these emergency room episodes are clearly avoidable when one investigates common adverse reactions to these potentially dangerous formulas and goes deeper than the deluge of commercialized hype.

Dr. R. E. Freedman, Depersonalization Specialist
Anxiety and Depersonalization
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)
Natural Approach to Anxiety and Depersonalization

Depersonalization Discovery Cure

Depersonalization Discovery Cure
By Dr. R. E. Freedman
Expert Author Dr. R. E. Freedman

The greatest insight about depersonalization is the fact that it is not an illness. It may feel strange and even frightening but this does not indicate a true sickness or long term condition.

The Tired Mind

Depersonalization has its roots in anxiety and eventually the mind becomes exhausted from worry. The fatigued mind is fueled by the cycle of anxiety. The habit of worry is strong and the mind remains fatigued as the fearful behavior continues to cycle. You could say that depersonalization is a stubborn offshoot of the anxiety condition.

It makes perfect sense. When one is worried about how they feel, they become fearful. This becomes their pattern or behavior. The mind becomes tired from studying itself on a constant basis. One becomes hypervigilant, fearing if they lower their guard, they will lose control. Anxiety heightens and the cycle fuels itself.

If one were to STOP and recognize that this cycle is triggered and fueled by their own behavior (way of thinking), they could reverse the cycle immediately. Depersonalization depends on one’s constant train of fearful thoughts, which keep the mind fatigued, less resilient and incapable of concentration. These physical symptoms create more fear, which only adds to the habit of worry. And so, the cycle continues and the mind reminds fatigued.

The individual believes that avoidance of work, social life and responsibility is the answer leading to recovery. Nothing could be further from the truth. They cancel engagements and spend most of their time home alone, waiting for recovery to occur. There is a complete paradox to this, as the true path to recovery is not about being alone with one’s thoughts but by learning to change one’s behavior, engage in work, socialize, and allow the mind to refresh itself by learning to move out of one’s own way. It’s clearly about learning to use the specific process of recovery to interrupt the cycle of fear and worry, which fuels this condition.

This is the great discovery concerning depersonalization. One must learn to break the cycle of fatiguing anxious thought and step out of their own way. This is the path that allows the mind to refresh itself and rejuvenate. The mind is able to concentrate again, visual disturbances dissipate, the foggy mind clears and a true sense of clarity returns.

Many question the difference between depesonalization and derealization.

Depersonalization: Feeling unreal, detached, foggy and disoriented.

Derealization: Surroundings look or feel strange, different or unreal.

Both are treated identically and neither is a true illness. They are both the product of a fatigued mind, fueled by an underlying anxiety condition. Both are a stubborn form of anxiety treated by a very specific process. When the behavior is corrected, life returns to normal.

Two Step Behavior and Nutrition Correction

!. Behavior Modification- Learning to think differently is essential, in order to interrupt the behavior which fuels a fatigued mind. One must learn and practice a specific way of thinking in order to produce a refreshed mind. They must replace a long term unproductive behavior for a more productive one. This is not difficult but does require commitment to the process.

2. Applying and adhering to a precise diet and nutrition plan, designed specifically for rejuvenation of the mind to take place. This process will also create a far less reactive mind and body, stabilizing blood sugar levels and boosting serotonin levels in the brain naturally.

Application of the above along with understanding of the condition will allow a full and permanent recovery. This does not require a long or drawn out process. The only mandatory requirement is one’s commitment and willingness to follow the process in order for permanent recovery to occur

Once this process reaches fruition, there is no need for future concern involving relapse, since the individual knows too much at this time to fall back. One is fully aware and able to recognize elevated stress levels that could possibly trigger and tire the mind.

It is also important to note that this individual is highly reactive to outside stimuli (caffeine, nicotine, sugar, alcohol and medication, being highest on the list). Therefore, medication paradoxically offers the opposite of what one might expect. The highly reactive individual conversely experiences adverse reactions, overriding benefits from these pharmaceuticals. Also, difficult withdrawals occur more frequently when a sensitized individual discontinues medication usage.

In conclusion, the natural approach proves to be the most beneficial on an already sensitized individual. This is truly the greatest discovery concerning depersonalization and derealization, as medication not only exacerbates the situation but also prolongs symptoms in the majority of individuals. The two-fold approach of behavior modification coupled with diet/nutrition is the true and safest path to full and permanent recovery. It allows the mind to refresh as complete and permanent clarity returns. Life becomes easier to negotiate and a less stressful experience.

Dr. R. E. Freedman
Anxiety and Depersonalization Specialist
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Depersonalization: Natural Recovery

Depersonalization Natural Recovery
By Dr. R. E. Freedman
Expert Author Dr. R. E. Freedman

The key to permanent recovery is understanding. One must understand that depersonalization is a stubborn form of the anxiety condition fueled by the habit of constant fearful worry. It is nothing more than a tired mind and not an illness. Therefore, medication is unnecessary. Without fear, this condition can no longer exist. Once this is understood, one is able to begin the two-step process leading to permanent recovery.

Two-Step Process

(1) The first step is to learn how to “retrain the brain.” Thinking in a new and productive method allows an exhausted to refresh and rejuvenate, allowing clarity to return. Learning to break the habit of fearful worry interrupts the habit that fuels the brain fog. The mind is able to refresh without requiring a long or drawn out process.

(2) The second step is the introduction of a specific nutrition plan which boosts Serotonin in the brain naturally and continues to replenish it on a daily basis. By using the proper foods, one is also able to maintain balanced blood sugar levels as well, creating a far less reactive mind and body without the necessity of medication.

When this two-step process is precisely followed a full and permanent recovery will result. Medication is merely a band-aid and only prolongs the recovery process. There comes a point when one must learn how to interrupt the habit of fearful worry in order to overcome this disorder permanently.

Hints and Tips

– Maintain an active schedule and give up the urge to approach this disorder from the standpoint of illness.

– Remain working and socializing as this allows one to break the habit of inward thinking.

– Negativity is a strong part of this disorder and must be addressed and immediately corrected.

– Depersonalization Disorder is an offshoot of the anxiety condition. One may experience anxiety without ever experiencing depersonalization but one cannot experience depersonalization without a base source of anxiety.

– Medications exacerbate this condition. A highly sensitized and reactive individual will generally experience more side effects, rather than benefits, when attempting to use medication.

– Depersonalization Disorder is not an illness and should not be categorized as one. This is merely a learned behavior, fueled on by fearful thought. This disorder cannot exist without the element of fear to fuel it.

The combination of behavioral modification and nutrition is the one approach, the only approach, that ensures complete and permanent recovery, a return to full clarity, peace of mind and a true sense of well being.

Dr. R. E. Freedman
Anxiety and Depersonalization Recovery Specialist


Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Reduce Cortisol Levels Naturally

Reduce Cortisol Levels Naturally
By Dr. R. E. Freedman
Expert Author Dr. R. E. Freedman

Stress hormones such as Cortisol and Adrenaline are essential for body functioning but when stresses increase and Cortisol levels spike, there is little left to maintain body functions and self-healing.
Cortisol is the hormone that maintains:

– Balanced Blood Sugar Levels

– A Healthy Immune System

– Stable Blood Pressure

– Sleep Cycles

When stressed, Cortisol is over-secreted, as exhibited by:

– Extra weight around the waist area as caloric cravings increase

– Interruption of the sleep cycle

– Blood sugar irregularities

– Immune system inefficiencies.

– Memory Difficulties

– Learning Problems

– Higher Blood Pressure

– Higher Cholesterol Levels

For those who experience heightened sensations of anxiety and depersonalization there is a surefire way to lower stress hormones such as Cortisol which will return the body to a calmer state of relaxation, peace and calm, enabling it to maintain body functions and heal or repair when necessary.

Naturally Reduce Your Spiking Cortisol Levels:

1. Sleep: The Great Healer serves to lower Cortisol levels, especially after a solid 8 hours of restful sleep. Make it your goal to go to sleep earlier in the evening, especially if you cannot sleep late in the mornings or aim for a 9:00 AM wake up if you are able to have the luxury of sleeping in.

2. Meditate: Meditation (even a 5 minute meditation) clears the mind, alleviates stress and calms an overwrought mind and body. Adrenaline stays put and Cortisol levels plummet when you do this on a daily basis.

3. Turn on Your CD Player or Radio: Not necessarily classical music either. As long as the music you are listening to brings forth enjoyment it will detach the mind from stresses, as Cortisol levels simmer down.

4. Occupation and Exercise: Basically do something you love that requires physical exertion. When you love your work and it is not stressful, it can actually be very therapeutic. Dance your Cortisol levels down. Take a brisk walk and don’t let the weather stop you. Even less than perfect weather can be refreshing and invigorating to one’s health.

5. Make Love not War: Share warm feelings with those you care for and lighten up on the one’s who add to your stress. Life is a choice. Choose to surround yourself with loving, caring individuals and Cortisol levels will quickly drop along with those you find intrusive to your well-being.

6. Be Generous with Animals: The healing power of dogs and cats is the greatest therapy one can receive. Open your heart and home to an animal and your reward will be ten-fold. The more you share with them, the more you will receive in love and lower Cortisol levels.

7. Combat Loneliness: Join a group with shared interests. Volunteer to help others and your own problems diminish greatly. Anxiety levels drop along with Cortisol levels when you move out of your own worries by reaching out to help someone outside yourself.

8. Fuel the Body Correctly: The fresher the food, the greater the reward of good health. Only shop at marketplaces where the turnover is flowing and the foods are always fresh. Shop the peripheral of the market for the freshest foods and avoid the middle aisles that are crammed with processed and refined products.

9. Laugh it Off: Choose a comedy to watch or read to relieve stressful moments. Surround yourself with lighthearted friends and family and Cortisol levels shrink while you laugh away stressful times. There is always a humorous side to a stressful event if you seek it out.

10: Make the Change: You know if your energy is being depleted from a job, relationship, or a stressful series of events. This is the time to trust your intuition and cut out the stressful individual and move forward. Never doubt your choices or second guess your decisions. The definitive result, a life that is far less stressful, will not only lower Cortisol levels but grant you a better life.

It’s always a personal choice. Do you choose to live a life that is highly reactive with spiking stress hormones or do you choose to design your life to be as happy, fun and enjoyable as humanly possible? Make the decision to follow these suggestions, lower your Cortisol levels as well as other stress hormones, and create a life worth living every moment of every day.

Dr. R. E. Freedman
Natural Treatment of Anxiety and Depersonalization
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)