CBD Oil and Anxiety Side Effects

Cannabidiol (CBD) has recently been touted as a well tolerated and safe treatment for many health issues. There is a flip side to this treatment and one should be aware of it before assuming it is perfectly safe to use.

It has been known to cause many side effects and reactions in individuals. These adverse reactions range from mild side effects to more serious and potentially harmful reactions.  The best defense against these side effects is knowing the facts and making a knowledgeable decision before using these medications.

Recent studies have found that although CBD oil may potentially alleviate pain and symptom distress from many health difficulties such as anxiety, depersonalization, depression and insomnia, it may also increase these difficulties when use is discontinued. This is a very serious issue since it is creating withdrawal symptoms and rebound effect. This categorizes it as an addictive substance and can be just as problematic as any other addictive substance.

Here is a list of possible side effects reported in the use of CBD Oil:

  • Anxiety and Depersonalization
  • Depersonalization: Feelings of Disconnection
  • Derealization
  • GI Problems: Diarrhea
  • Lightheadedness/Dizziness
  • Dry Mouth
  • Spaciness
  • Malaise: Tiredness
  • Higher Liver Enzymes: A sign that could lead to liver damage.
  • Interaction with other medications
  • Addiction
  • Withdrawal Symptoms when stopped.
  • Rebound Effect: When stopped, initial symptoms return.

It is therefore important to make a knowledgeable choice when considering the use of CBD Oil. Even though it does not contain THC delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the hallucinogenic found in marijuana, it has been reported to cause the above adverse reactions in many individuals.

One must consider the medications they are now taking and the interactions that may occur. Research is still ongoing concerning the efficacy and safety of CBD oil and this must also be considered. Natural is a good alternative but one must consider all the factors involved.

There is also the individual who is generally more reactive to substances in general. This must be a consideration before using this oil.

Knowing your own limitations and reactions is important before jumping into the use of a new therapy or medication. If you have a weak digestive system, this might not be for you. If you are suffering with fatigue, this might only make you feel more exhausted. If you are prone to anxiety reactions and easily triggered panic, then the withdrawal from this substance might interfere with your sense of well being.

It’s always wise to check with your personal physician and discuss all the variables of using a new substance to alleviate any physical discomfort.

There are many reasons to consider use of CBD oil but there are also strong reasons to pass on its use. The alternative options are there for you and very effective. Know yourself and base your decision on what you feel most comfortable using. Never feel there is only one way to achieve the results you are trying to obtain. Use good common sense and know that you do have the power to change your mind, no matter what your decision.

In conclusion, there are no miracle potions. Some solutions work for some and not so much for others. Be aware of your reactivity levels and learn as much as you can before using a new product. Knowledge really is power and knowing all the facts is a must before using any new product.

For More Information Call Us At 215-635-4700, Anxiety Busters, Inc, http://www.anxietybusters.com
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Anxiety Busters, Inc.
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Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)