By Dr. R. E. Freedman
Many experience an initial shock to learn they are the cause of their own anxiety and depersonalization but this is precisely what occurs when one unknowingly allows their own ego to dictate a constant stream of negativity in their daily thought patterns. This quickly becomes habit as this unproductive behavior reflects an over-protective, guarded, and wary part of the mind. One actually feels as if they are safer and more intuitive, rather than fearful, foggy and trapped. It is this exact behavior that keeps one separated from others, locked within their so called “comfort zone” and presented with even more time for inward thinking.
In one respect it is a positive piece of knowledge to know you are the cause of your discomfort, since it enables you to change that very behavior and turn it around. It allows you to call the shots, to become boss of your own reactions. Whatever you might be creating, you also have the ability to turn it around, resulting in relief of symptoms and prevention of future episodes.
Recognition of the ego is a necessity in taking action against these symptoms. Very simply, the ego is the part of the mind that only sees the dangers, the negatives and the fears in all situations. It will go out of its way to guard, above and beyond the call of duty.
You decide to take a walk, go to the store or visit a friend or relative, and before setting one foot out the door, the ego serves up a plethora of reasons why you should remain home. It will present dangers you never thought of, “what ifs” that never crossed your mind and scenarios that could only lead to enormous distress and irreparable harm. Being unaware of this pattern, you succumb to the warnings, chalk it up as “a sign” and remain trapped inside your home, believing you have been saved from any and all dangers lurking beyond your front gate. The problem is, you have not only unnecessarily hemmed yourself in, but also locked yourself in a habit of always listening and believing this overprotective and over-reactive part of your mind. The unreasonable fears and doubts it creates keep you trapped and unable to enjoy the moment, stuck in a life that is so safe, you are truly not living.
This is why it is imperative to recognize this side of the mind and take action to reclaim your life. This entails learning to talk back to your brain, to interrupt this behavior and negate the misinformation it so generously shares with you. This must be accomplished with stern conviction and the intent to take back your life. You are dealing with an unproductive habit, a negative behavior that is strong and intrusive. It demands your immediate attention and therefore must be dealt with strongly and swiftly. Acknowledgement of the ego and the doubt it creates in you is essential in order to make the correct changes in the perceptions that keep you stuck in both anxiety and depersonalization.
This same ego presents these false assumptions:
– It tries to convince you that you are ill and though others have
recovered, it will never happen for you.
– It tries to tell you that the doctors and therapists must have “missed”
something and this is why recovery eludes you.
– It creates doubt at weak moments, by presenting the idea that
you must have done something to cause these unreal, foggy and
anxious sensations when nothing could be further from the truth.
One must begin with the proper corrections in thinking after catching the behavior in full bloom. It is essential to learn how to talk back to the brain and do so in the very specific manner that it requires. Once this is accomplished, the mind achieves clarity and anxiety symptoms no longer have free rein.
There is only one remedy that will obliterate these symptoms, once and for all, and this is your own participation. Freedom from all aspects of the anxiety condition, including debilitating feelings of unreality will be yours, once you locate the source, an overzealous ego mind, and have the courage to put it in its place.