Are you experiencing anxiety symptoms that seem to have surfaced out of the blue? Were you living a perfectly peaceful life until anxiety reared its ugly head? Have you tried many different approaches to anxiety and yet it still remains as intrusive as ever?
If you have answered yes to the above questions, maybe it’s time to take a closer look at what might be causing your anxiety and symptoms of depersonalization.
Sometimes we overlook possible triggers of anxiety reactions. We try to look deep within our psyche for deep seated issues when sometimes the answer is as simple as a medication you’ve been taking or a nasal spray you thought of as innocuous.
Here is a list of overlooked anxiety and depersonalization triggers that might be causing your discomfort:
Hidden Anxiety and Depersonalization Triggers:
– Medications: Certain medications create a host of adverse reactions, anxiety being high on that list.
Nasal Sprays and other Antihistamines- Many of these medications, even when OTC (over the counter) are strong and result in intrusive anxiety related side effects for many individuals. From anxiety to achy legs, they should only be used according to physician’s directives and discontinued with the proper protocol. If you experience anxiety, insomnia, tremors or sore limbs, contact your prescribing physician immediately. Only you know your body and if a medication is causing difficulties. Trust Yourself. Also, check and see if certain OTC antihistamines may cause “excitability.” This is another term for anxiety.
Antibiotics- Many experience anxiety symptoms and even feelings of depersonalization when using certain antibiotics. This is why it is essential to alert your prescribing physician concerning your sensitivities and for them to order accordingly. Ingesting a good yogurt often prevents many symptoms but once again check with your pharmacist or prescribing physician, making sure this does not interfere with the action of the medication before doing so.
Antidepressants- Many antidepressants may result in anxiety reactions and feelings of depersonalization. Sometimes anti-anxiety medications such as Xanax or Klonopin are prescribed to counter these reactions. Withdrawal symptoms may be brutal when discontinuation begins. A very specific protocol must be used when withdrawing from use of these medications.
Anti-Anxiety Benzodiazapines– These medications take the edge off anxiety symptoms and can be effective for temporary use during times of extreme anxiety. This can become a problem when taken on a daily basis or multiple times during the day. When the medication wears off, stronger anxiety may return. After a week or two the body becomes tolerant of these medications, requiring a larger dosage in order to bring forth the same effect. This may cause dependency and addiction both physically and mentally. Withdrawal symptoms may also be very difficult if not approached correctly.
-Pre-Workout Formulas: The properties of pre-workout formulas are often spiked with substances that increase the metabolism. They have similar properties to caffeine, speeding up the system and causing anxious reactions, insomnia and feelings of depersonalization. Hair loss may also occur caused by the use of these formulas. Withdrawal is just as difficult when extreme fatigue and lethargy sets in along with a foggy mind.
-Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): This chemical is found in many food products as a flavor enhancer. It is widely used in many recipes and should be avoided as it often produces anxiety symptoms and reactions. It may elevate brain levels of glutamate which is one of the excitatory hormones resulting in anxiety and stress. Check specific foods for this chemical such as soups, beef jerky, frozen meals, and many canned products as well.
-Sugar Substitutes: These chemicals often trigger symptoms of anxiety and agitation.
Splenda (sucralose) for one, is known to create panic-like agitation in many who use it.
Sorbitol found in most sugar-free foods, is a laxative, which has been known to also cause dizziness.
Aspartame(Nutrasweet) often results in fatigue, headaches and visual disturbances for many who use it.
High Fructose Corn Syrup is a highly refined artificial product, an additive that goes directly to the liver, instructing the body to store fat. It often creates IBS type symptoms.
-Coffee and Tea: Caffeinated beverages trigger anxiety and add to feelings of depersonalization. It’s recommended to mix with decaffeinated versions of the same beverage while slowly withdrawing from the caffeine version, until fully decaffeinated.
-Alcohol: Alcohol is high on the glycemic index, meaning it adds high levels of sugars into the bloodstream. This is why many feel extremely anxious the day following drinking. Blood sugar levels spike and dip in a way that disrupts one’s sense of balance and well being.
-Cigarettes: Nicotine also contributes to feelings of anxiety. Nicotine is a stimulant and results in creating anxiety and irritability. Many mistakenly believe that smoking is relaxing when the opposite occurs. It’s the breathing in, holding the breath and exhaling that is relaxing. The nicotine creates increase in heart rate and revs up the system.
-Marijuana: Since marijuana is not always regulated it often results in severe symptoms of anxiety and depersonalization. Amounts of THC are not always the same, which can result in uncomfortable sensations which often frighten and upset the user.
Bottom line, it is imperative to become fully knowledgeable concerning substances which may result in anxiety reactions. Becoming the consumer who investigates these products before blindly consuming is essential in maintaining good mental health.
It is always up to you, whether purchasing a product from the grocery store or using prescribed medications. Be the individual who asks questions.
Ask your pharmacist about adverse reactions.
Ask your doctor about potential side effects.
Most of all, know your body and read the facts and information included on foods, over the counter medications and even prescription medications.
You will find life becomes easier when become the intelligent consumer who has the final choice concerning what you ingest and what you wisely choose not to ingest after careful investigation.
For further information, feel free to contact us at 215-635-4700, 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST). We welcome your calls and will be glad to answer your questions.
Anxiety Busters, Inc.
Anxiety Busters
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)